Category Archives: Uncategorized

Philips DSS930 – A Loudspeaker Ahead Of Its Time. Part 1: A Dark Secret

In the early 90s Philips were at the top of their game when they introduced the DSS930, a digital-input only, active DSP loudspeaker far ahead of its time. We got our hands on a pair, investigate the design and the state of these classics and discover a design flaw that has gone unnoticed for 30 years.




Functional check and repair of a Bose 1800 “Professional Solid State Dual Channel Power Amplifier”


bose1800 thermal cam

Fire in the disco


Two posts in one year? Is the world ending? Well, yes, but not just today.

I’ve been visited by a pair of handsome Bose 1800 amps over the past weeks. They needed a DC output delay / DC protection relays because apparently that tech did not yet exist in the mid 1970s. Those solid state devices were still a bit scary, I suppose. Continue reading

New Vid: quietening down a NAS server

Yes, I’m a youtube influencer now. Send me your free swag 🙂

Clearly writing blog posts was not my strength, and not for lack of stuff I have to say… just sitting down and condensing it into a post is a bit 2000. And most audiences want to consume video rather than text.

So, just as a trial run, I took a marginally audio related topic and just filmed my project over the course of a few days, then broke my brain for 2 months on editing the video but finally managed.

Odysee / LBRY


Maybe next time I’ll use that full frame DSLR and Sennheiser lapel mic rather than the $100 gopro clone (what was I thinking?). But the quality over quantity discussion is not relevant since I haven’t posted much of either, so you’ll take it and be grateful, damnit!

Writing 24LCxxx EEPROMs with PICkit3

Since it took me about 8 hours to fetch all the information together and get it running, maybe this post will be useful for other loonies like me who think this is a good idea 🙂

You see, the Microchip PICkit3 seems like a steal – a cheap, full featured PIC programmer that can also write EEPROMs!

Well, they weren’t lying. Then again, it’s not exactly the truth either. Continue reading

And now, for some music

Surely, you can’t have missed that Linn are giving away a bunch of 24 bit tracks at the end of the year?

Last year, I had to log in every day and still managed to miss a few days, luckily some buddies helped out and we got the collection complete.

This year, they’ve been extra generous and left the whole collection up for grabs until January 6th. So in thanking them I’ll happily plug the Linn site for all my readers (yes, both of you).

Linn Records – 24 bits of Christmas

As the year draws to a close and we prepare for many changes in 2015, I’ll plug in the same wm8741 that Linn use in the Klimax and enjoy the recordings. I’m not a big classic fan, but some of the recordings in this collection are absolutely breathtaking. Well either that or I’m getting older.

Enjoy and see you in 2015, which is shaping up to be a pretty exciting year!